

It’s competition time! Watch the video below to see how you can enter ‘Tone Def Tony’s Big Prize Giveaway’:

Enter now for your chance to win loads of exclusive and collectable prizes, including original oil paintings, limited edition signed books, merchandise, and much, much more.

“Destination Earth” – Something New From Tone Def Tony

Not being one for computer games and wasting my time on trivial things, in between learning Mandarin Chinese, I got to tinkering with some old samples I found lying around, and knocked up this little experimental thing… and found a few video images to go with it. I hope you like it!

You can still listen to and buy my Christmas song here: https://tonedeftony.hearnow.com/

And for those of you that don’t know, I also write Children’s books, and my new release is Michael and the Magic Hiccup available on amazon!


Official Music Video

Just in case you missed it, here’s our official music video for our Christmas song last year. We’re currently at 875 views and would love to make it to 1,000 – can you help? If you like it, please consider subscribing and sharing it around. We’ll be re-releasing the track for Christmas 2021… If you like it A LOT, you can download it from this link: https://tonedeftony.hearnow.com/ which will also give the link to play it on Spotify! Thanks for all your support 🙂

“Shut Up Tony!” The Funniest Interview Yet.

Just when I thought I was getting used to doing radio interviews, not only are we beset with technical difficulties (their end this time, I think!) but when they think we’ve gone off air, I get shouted at. The signal’s not great, but it’s well worth listening to for the comedic value – you just can’t make this stuff up – gold dust!

Back On Chat & Spins Radio Tonight 7.15pm GMT

Ron Clark has invited me back on his show on Chat & Spin Radio tonight at 7.15pm for a follow-up interview to hear the progress we’ve made since the last time I was on. Click the image below to go to their website and tune in live, if you’re around…

chat and spin

Remember, you can buy our song here and help us support the struggling pub and hospitality trade this year!

Santa Cover NEW

Helping Save Spastic Black Transgender Kittens

Fuck the pub and hospitality trade, they’re doing fine! What we need to do is put all our efforts and energies into helping the hopelessly underprivileged, under-funded, under-talked-about Spastic Black Transgender Kittens of this world that pay most of the taxes, employ most of the people, give people a safe-haven, raise money for charity, are at the center of most communities, and have been totally overlooked by the government.

It is for this reason that I have made an executive decision to donate ALL the royalties of my song, “I Got P*$$ed With Santa Claus” by Tone Def Tony to the National Save Spastic Black Transgender Kittens Society.

Buy the song by clicking on the picture below:

Santa Cover NEW

#BangForFreedom Tonight 8pm

Since our democratic right to protest has been revoked by Boris’ dictatorship, get ready to show your support for the millions of people like you and me, that DO NOT AGREE with these lockdown measures. Grab your pots and pans, drums, tooters, whatever you have and let’s make some noise tonight at 8pm to let everybody else in your area know we are NOT ALONE!



Official Charts Christmas Number 1 Contender! “I Got P*$$ed with Santa Claus” by Tone Def Tony

Santa Cover NEWAmidst all the doom and gloom of the governmental announcements about our prolonged enforced confinement and the deliberate victimisation of our great British pubs, isn’t it nice to have a glimmer of hope for Christmas: our song, “I Got P*$$ed with Santa Claus” by Tone Def Tony, has actually made a ‘blip’ on the radar of the Official Charts Chistmas Number 1 Contender List…! (read the full article here, scroll past all the famous people to get to us!)

Ranked alongside the likes of Robbie Williams, Jess Glynne, Liam Gallagher, Becky Hill, Matt Lucas, and Dolly Parton – to name but a few of the extremely famous, connected, and influential celebrities of our time that we are ranked with and competing against – is no small feat, and incredibly morale-boosting news, as we’re just three old blokes trying to make a difference to the people in the pub trade that are suffering at this time.

Nobody Thought We Stood A Chance!

Two and a half years ago when I came up with the idea and wrote this song, everybody thought I was totally crazy! They didn’t like the song. They didn’t like the lyrics. They thought I’d lost the plot. And that includes family and friends! BUT they’re NOT LAUGHING NOW!

As THE ONLY charity song that is helping people in the pub and hospitality trade… THE MOST ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS SONG IN DECADES… and a song created by the BIGGEST UNDERDOGS EVER… We are amazed and astounded that our – albeit very catchy – song has captured the hearts and the wallets of our nation! It’s humbling.


We’re not salesmen, we’re not businessmen, we’re three blokes on a mission to help. So dip in your pocket and buy our song!


Thank you! And Merry, Bloody Christmas!

TripAdvisor: Time To Check Out…

If the world was a hotel, I’d have checked out long ago.

pexels-pixabay-87651 (2)When it’s mentally a challenge to find reasons to stay alive every day, you know you have a problem. That’s been my life for over four decades. I’ve tried to distract myself between attempts to check out, always focusing on helping other people less fortunate than myself – like this current attempt to raise money and awareness to help the plight of our great British pubs with my ridiculous Christmas song, “I Got P*$$ed with Santa Claus”. Sometimes it helps, often times it just creates more anguish and frustration. I don’t especially like Christmas, even though I love Christmas songs and sing them all year round, the closer it gets to Christmas, the more depressed I become.

I thought this year, having the song to focus on, would be different, but it isn’t. In fact, I feel more suicidal than ever before, not because of the season, but because I feel my life has already been taken away from me by the nonsensical actions of the government. The reason we are all suffering this year is not because of a new coronavirus strain like the Flu, we are all suffering, have lost our jobs, our livelihoods, our freedoms, our independence, our rights, is a direct result of what we have allowed a handful of politicians to do to us. It sickens me!

I used to look to our government as leadership. I thought what they said and did was true. This year has changed all of that. Now I question everything they say and do, because I know most of it is not true, not based on fact, not based on science, based merely upon whatever they can spin! It disgusts me. I came back to the UK hoping to find something better than I had been experiencing abroad, but was shocked to find we were worse!

Hence my TripAdvisor Rating for anybody thinking of coming to the planet Earth is zero. Don’t come here unless you are planning to attack and destroy us to make way for an intergalactic highway!


Charity Rejections! You Just Can’t Give Money Away.

Santa Cover NEWWe’re probably not going to do ourselves any favours here by posting this, but I just wanted to highlight the extreme challenge for anybody else trying to undertake a similar charitable endeavour.

As if it wasn’t time consuming and hard enough to go through all the steps and hurdles to create, compose, master, release, register, distribute, and promote an original song – not to mention the personal financial outlay involved – trying to find a charity to partner with has proven just as time consuming, and even more frustrating.

For over two months now we have been trying to find a charity involved with the pub and hospitality industry (which is crying out for help!) to partner with. I think we’ve contacted every single one that we could find via the internet, and have yet to find one willing to work with us! Even though it’s tempting, I won’t embarrass the organisations that have already turned us down for various reasons (including the use of a very mild swear word in our song, all the way up to disagreeing that COVID-19 is like the Flu! To name just a few daft excuses!)

They are all very happy to accept our donation once we’ve done all the hard work, but none want to be associated with us. What does that say about their organisations? To me, it puts them in exactly the same league as our incompetent government that is more than happy to spend our taxpayer money on whims and whimsy, but aren’t prepared to put their own oars in the water and paddle! Likewise the uptake by the hospitality industry in general has been lacking. At this rate, I’m more inclined to give any money we actually will raise to race-nondescript, trans-gender, vegan, teetotaler, car-hating, eco-friendly, tofu-terrorists that look like cute kittens!

Just saying… it’s frustrating.

Buy The Song Here!